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Frequently asked questions

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When was PFN founded?

According to the Organization Registration Act 2034 BS, the Legislation of PFN has been formulated in 2077 BS.

What kind of organization is PFN?

PFN promotes mutual unity, harmony, and cooperation among Nepali citizens living in various professions, occupations, studies, and employment and for community development of the nation especially in undeveloped areas including education, health, environment, tourism, agriculture, drinking water, roads, construction, and maintenance.

How does PFN decide where to work?

PFN conducts programs mainly in the underdeveloped areas across Nepal as per the need. 

How can I donate to PFN?

You can go to the Donate section of PFN's website and find the account details of the organization. For other donations related queries please write to plansfornepal2020@gmail.com, or contact us.

On what projects are PFN currently working?

Our current projects are the Sankhola Suspension Bridge project and Yamuna Children Home Construction project.